

Did you know, despite social conditioning or popular opinion, many women’s sex drives are actually equal to men’s?

This book exists because we all have sexual needs. Everyone deserves sexual pleasure and satisfaction, and ‘nice’ girls like sex too! Imagine how different your intimate relationship could be if you just gave yourself permission to explore the possibilities, and to try whatever feels comfortable. The result may well be the reconnection that you and your partner need to live happily ever after!

A healthy sex life contributes to your overall mental balance. Think of it like a three-legged ‘coffee table of life’, where one leg represents physical health, one mental health, and the third is sexual health. Guess what? You can’t balance the table (i.e. your life) if one of the legs is broken!

The topic of sexuality – particularly for women – is too important for it to continue existing in the shadows of taboo, especially if you’re shouldering a large load of parental duties and need a source of release; and/or if you’re striving for a sense of balance in your life.

It coud be that you have been ‘satisfying’ sex for a long time, but not actually reaching orgasm often with your partner. But wouldn’t shared orgasms make it that much better?”

A lot of women struggle to provide good instructions to their partners in bed, and well… often partners don’t even realise they should be inviting instructions before they try to operate what is arguably the most intricate, sensitive and unique set of parts imaginable! But this book will equip you with better communication skills and a more thorough understanding of how to successfully navigate your way to a mutually satisfying conclusion in the bedroom!